What is faith?

What is faith? What does it mean to have faith? What does it mean to be loyal? This is the question that we will handle each of us if we have the desire to know God, or the desire to pursue our definition of God. The definition of faith in the Bible is the substance of our hope (our certainty) in Jesus, in the resurrection of His body, and His presence and power in the unseen realm; faith sees as real facts what not revealed to the senses.

However, then, Jesus asked this question to His disciples, concerning His coming (which is commonly called His Second Coming), “… when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18: 8). The faith that Jesus meant was the whole body of revealed truth. In other words, will He find someone who embraces all of God’s revealed truths and walks there, rejects the worship of worldly passions? The opposite is this – Will He find people who know the truth but choose not to live it – who choose to reject the truth that interferes with the life they want to live? This condition is known as apostasy.

The Bible clearly states that God is the source of all fundamental truth, wisdom, and knowledge. “… faith arises from hearing the message, and the message heard through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)

Excluding Jesus, or even trying to marginalize Him, means taking the risk of a grave mistake – completely missing the mark. Similar to the precision guidelines needed for NASA’s launch to the Moon; if scientists deviate in a fraction of a degree, the trajectory can miss thousands of miles in space. Apostle Paul: My goal is that they be encouraged in the heart and united in love, so that they can have understanding wealth, be able to know the mystery of God, that is, Christ, in all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and I say that no one can cheat you with a good argument (Colossians 2: 2-4).

If our belief system not based on fundamental truths from God, we will find ourselves drifting far from reality. You see, the truth is NOT relative!

Relevant faith generated from examining the attributes and characteristics of God through His word, finding Him trustworthy, believing that Jesus is the Messiah, Christ, the Anointed One, the Son of God, and choosing to exercise that faith, minute by minute, in every aspect of our lives. “And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because whoever comes to him must believe that He is there and that He rewards those who truly seek Him.” (Hebrews 11: 6) Through the daily lives of men and women who walk in faith in Jesus’ hope, you will see its relevance.

Pure faith is as relevant today as 2100 years ago. By developing persistent faith with perfect trust in God, one can overcome the storm of life, and find real joy in life.