Faithfulness – The 7th Fruit of the Holy Spirit
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22).
In our day, half of the marriages still end in divorce, and many people stabbed at work with people they thought they initially believed – this particular quality needed in our day. These qualities essential in our relationship with God, and also necessary in our relationships with our friends and family.
After you are saved and have a genuine personal relationship with God – the first thing you must do is hold fast to God and remain faithful to Him for the rest of your life. After you are saved and have a sincere personal relationship with God, there is no turning back!
This is what made the Jews in big trouble with God the Father back in the Old Testament. They cannot remain loyal and loyal to Him consistently and regularly. There are times when God the Father, calls them prostitutes and adulterers because they will not remain faithful to Him, especially when they continue to pursue other gods.
God the Father upholds this unique quality, and this is one quality that He expects you to operate very strongly – not only in your relationship with Him but also in your other personal relationships with family and friend. In other words, He wants you to be loyal and loyal to your spouse, to your children, to your parents and your good friends.
Too many people come out of their spouses and children if they experience minor difficulties in their marriage. Many couples have an affair, thus destroying all the trust and loyalty that might build in the early years of their marriage. Too many fathers give up their marriages, and then forget and leave their children alone – and sometimes for good, never wanting to see either of them again!
If God gives you wonderful partners, wonderful children, and excellent and extraordinary friends – then He will expect you to remain faithful and loyal to all of them in your relationship with them. A true friend will stay by your side for life – continually, for better or worse. Just as God will remain faithful to you in His relationship with you – He will expect you to stay committed and faithful in your relationships with others.
Now here’s what some different dictionaries and Bible commentaries say about this particular trait:
- Faith that makes someone loyal to their promises and faithful to their duties
- The firm, dedicated, reliable, and trustworthy
- Firm, unchanging and genuinely down to earth concerning others
- Addiction, loyalty, and stability
With the self-centered and materialistic world in which we now live in, where many people’s only goals and ambitions are to get as much as they can out of this life – I’m afraid this is one quality that is in very short supply. Most people are lucky if they manage to make 2 or 3 right, sincere, loyal, and faithful friends in this lifetime.
This is one quality that the Father cares about. He is watching who will remain faithful, loyal, and loyal to Him – and who will remain trustworthy, dependable, and loyal to friends and family brought into our lives.
The flesh is healthy – especially in the area of the desire to satisfy its lust for the material things of life. This is why this attribute is one of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. We all need the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit working in us to help us stay faithful to God, family, and friends.