Fasting and Prayer

“Through prayer, fasting, and learning, God will answer.”

Fasting is usually a voluntary control or reduction of certain foods or drinks, or both, for a specified period. People seem to observe fasting for various reasons such as religion, general, physical, hygienic, certain worldly benefits, and so on. This practice originated in human society from the earliest recorded history.

Some people fast to lose weight. When the body lacks food, it starts burning fat so that it can produce energy. This can cause weight loss. However, if you fast for too long and periodically, then your body will eventually start breaking down muscle protein for energy, which is not healthy. That is why people who are starving, look very thin, and become very weak. Despite poor health outcomes later on. Another quick try to take treatment to eliminate toxic substances from the body, especially alcohol and drugs from their body, a person’s entire immune system can be rejuvenated by fasting for three days when activating the body to start producing new white blood cells, a study shows, and some people fast for religious reasons. Fasting is recommended as a voluntary, economic control, because it helps us control our senses, and sense control is beneficial in becoming divine conscious. If our minds are out of control and not regulated, we will not be able to reach the level of goodness, a spiritual attention, which is needed to make sure and stable spiritual progress. Fasting is also suitable for health because it gives rest to the digestive organs.

“As far as the body is concerned, there are some vulnerabilities — eating, sleeping, and enjoying. The problem with modern society is trying to increase these demands, but they must reduce instead. Eat what we need, and rest when we need it, and our health will be Excellent, because at first, because we are accustomed to eating greedily, so don’t try to eat less artificially, you eat, but try to minimize it, therefore, there are fasting instructions, Especially for spiritual purposes.

Spiritual fasting requires self-control and discipline because one denies the desires of the flesh as can be seen that people take religious fasting in the hope of fulfilling various material and spiritual aspirations. You see, the purpose of fasting is to reduce the fear that lurks in the mind that is deceived and pleases God because it secures the fulfillment of deep-rooted unconscious desires and liberation. During spiritual fasting, the focus removes worldly things and concentrates on God.

Prayer and fasting defined as going voluntarily without food to focus on worship and fellowship with God. Prayer and fasting often go hand in hand, but this does not always happen. You can pray without fasting and fasting without prayer. When these two activities are combined and dedicated to the glory of God, they achieve full effectiveness.

When it comes time to make your final decision about what type of fast is right for you, the best advice we can accept is to follow the leadership of the Divine Spirit. He will guide your heart and mind about what is best for you. Remember, the most crucial consideration in fasting is your motive. Why do you fast? Looking personally from God or looking for His face in worship, praise, and thanksgiving?

Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all religious disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Divine Spirit can change your life.

Spiritual prayer and attention do not say fasting and daily rituals are of no use, the message is if you do this action without knowing and remembering God then what is the point of this action. All activities will be in vain if you do not recognize God.

‘Without God, other deeds are of no use’.