Kindness – The 5th Fruit of the Holy Spirit

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22).

As a result, more people are impatient, have short axes, and are always in a hurry – people lose the ability to treat others with kindness and respect. A kind word, right actions towards others can be a miracle for them.

When you study Jesus’ life in the New Testament, you can say how good He is always with others in His dealings with them. Jesus is a prime role model for all of us to operate in the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit fully.

The quality of kindness goes hand in hand with the quality of love. Once the Holy Spirit begins to transmit His love into you, the quality of goodness will follow along with it. It will be easier for you to be able to be kind to others once the love of God begins to flow more into your personality.

You cannot help but be kind to others if God’s love flows through you. This is why the quality of love must be the leading quality with which you concentrate to get more from the Holy Spirit. Once God’s love begins to operate and flows through you to touch others, many of the fruits of the Holy Spirit will start to follow dominoes.

Here are some of the different definitions of what real kindness is all about:

  • Quality or state of being kind
  • The steadfast love that nurtures relationships through friendly help when needed
  • The goodness of heart, serviceable, loving, gracious, pleasant
  • Love for humanity, hospitality, acts of kindness, readiness to help, human friendship, benevolence, taking thought of others
  • Goodness in action, the sweetness of disposition, gentleness in dealing with others, affability
  • The ability to act for the welfare of those who tax your patience

As you can see from some of these different definitions, this is a beautiful quality to have transmitted up into your soul and personality by the Holy Spirit. Not only will you be able to touch others with this godly quality, but you will also be able to reach yourself – because you will feel so much better about yourself if you can learn to treat others with much more kindness and respect in your daily dealings and affairs with them.